Complications of modified radical mastectomy operation are bleeding, infection, necrosis and seroma. Most common complication is seroma. Evidence of seroma causes infection and increases the risk of necrosis, also increases the time of flep adjusting to chest wall and length of hospitality. We started this randomised prospective study at January 1999. Candidates of modified radical mastectomy in our clinic has been divided into two groups (decided by the usage of silicon and PVC drainage systems) (Group 1: PVC, Group 2: Silicon). For homogenisation of each group; patients who has body-mass index higher then 30 %, systemic diseases like diabetes, Neoadjuvan chemotherapy, and patients who has chestwall anomalies were excluded from the study. Overall drainage volume, evidence of infection and necrosis, and removal time of drainage system was noted. Indications of removing the drainage system for both group were; daily drainage volume under 50 ml, evidence of infection and daily drainage over 50 ml for 9 days. Mean drainage volumes of Group 1 and Group 2 were 985.4 ml and 639.1 ml, respectively. Infection was observed in 13 patients in Group 1, and 4 patients in Group 2. Evidence of necrosis was observed in 3 patients in Group 1, and none in Group 2. Group 1 and Group 2 median removal time of drainage was 6.25 and 5.18 days, respectively. Statistical significant differences was present. After examining these results, we decided the usage of closed silicon drainage systems after modified radical mastectomy operation decreases the complications of operation.