We aimed to discuss the clinicopathological features and treatment of liposarcoma of breast, which is rarely seen, and review the literature.
The clinic features, histopathologic fi ndings and outcome of treatment of two cases that were operated for primary liposarcoma of the breast were reviewed.
Case 1 was 30 year old, premenaposal woman with a 9 x 6 cm , rapid enlarging in 8 months, fi rm mass at outer and upper quadrant of left breast which was defi ned as myxoid liposarcoma histopathologically. The other woman was 60 year old, postmenaposal, with a mass of 3x2 cm in outer and upper quadrant of left breast that became noticable in 3 months and defi ned as pleomorphic liposarcoma histopathologically. Modifi ed radical mastectomy was performed for both of them. No lymph node metastasis was found in both patients. Radiotherapy and 6 cycles of iphosphamide-adrioblastina were given on adjuvant setting to the young patient whose tumor was larger. In this patient pulmonary metastasis developed at 9 months and in the other at 15 months. No local failure was seen and both patients died 4 months after their pulmonary metastasis diagnosed.
As long as clean surgical margins are achieved, wide local excision is considered to be adequate treatment for the liposarcomas of the breast. Axillary lymph node dissection is unnecessary unless clinically palpable lymph nodes are present. Giving radiotherapy after breast conservating therapy reduces the occurrence of local recurrences. Adjuvant chemotherapy is needed when the tumor is large and the grade is high. The prognostic factors of primary breast liposarcoma, like the liposarcomas of elsewhere are the age of the patient, tumor size, histological grade and reaching clean surgical margins.