Carcinosarcoma of the breast represents less than 1% of primary breast mailgnancies. Both malign epithelial and malign mesenchymal elements exist together in the breast. A 59 year old postmenopausal women presents with a bloody nipple discharge and mass in breast. In left breast 2x1 cm mss detected and excisied. At pathological examination breast carcinosarcoma was detec-ted. Then modified radical mastectomy was performed. Tumor measured 4x4x3.5 cm. Tumor cells were negative for estrogen, progesteron. C-erb-B2 was negative. There was no metastasis in axillary lymph node metastasis. Carcinosarcoma of breast is rare tumor. It mass be consider in diagnosis of patients with large breast mass.
Breast cancer, carcinosarcoma, metaplastic cancer